Loyalty Program
These are the terms and conditions for The Learning Journey Loyalty Program.
These terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of The Learning Journey at any time without notice.
- Points earned on today’s transaction will post to your account and be available for use in 30 days.
- You will receive one point per dollar spent before shipping and after discounts. One point is equal to $0.10.
- Once you have accumulated a minimum of 100 points, you may convert your points to a voucher.
Simply log into your account and click “convert points to voucher” to obtain a one- time use code.
You will receive $1 for every 10 points. Minimum voucher is $10.
- Voucher will be valid for one year from point conversion.
- You cannot use more than one voucher per purchase on our web store.
- If your order is canceled, your points will be voided.
- If your shopping cart is less than the voucher amount, the voucher will reduce to that amount
(e.g: If cart is $7.99, voucher is worth $7.99 not $10.00)
- Loyalty points are not earned on orders where loyalty vouchers are redeemed.
- You can monitor your points and vouchers under the "MY ACCOUNT" tab.